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Here's our promise to you

Here's our promise to you

Welcome to Epic Collaboration, and our very first blog post! This is something that our initial team and early supporters have been working very hard on, and we’re excited to finally open this up so the wider world can take part, contribute and take ownership.

The start-up team is a group of passionate professionals based in Melbourne who have the ambitious vision of a world where everyone has the capability to collaborate with one another: solving problems with solutions benefiting from greater diversity of thought and insight, making better informed and democratic decisions, and making life and work a little fairer and more fun.

We want to enable collaboration for business teams with a desire to be more innovative, governments engaging in open and inclusive policy development, citizens creating ambitious social change, researchers who want share data and approaches, families working together to make joint household decisions and everyone in between.

More importantly Epic Collaboration will demonstrate why collaboration might be the important missing piece in your process. And how to recognise it when it is happening and how to encourage it.

Why do we want to do this? Because together, we can achieve things bigger and greater than we can individually. It's our best (perhaps only) path to create a fairer, brighter future for all of us. Collaboration is beautiful, even when it’s messy, chaotic or feels uncomfortable. It feels good, it feels human.

The plan is for Epic Collaboration to belong to everyone and nobody at the same time. It is completely open source, and we’ve seeded it with content and knowledge that we’ve acquired through years of collaboration practice. We hope Epic Collaboration will expand to become a diverse, rich and open collaboration knowledge system, filled with case studies, patterns, approaches and frameworks to enable anyone to learn, share and add to collaboration knowledge.

So here’s our promise to you... We’re going to document our journey right here on this blog. We want to be open and transparent, and document our failures and successes towards this end point. All we ask of you is that you have a read through, share links to things here you think your fellow collaborators will find useful, and add to our knowledge base. Get in touch with us if you think you have a learning about collaboration you’d like to share—this is a site for everyone, after all!